The Law of cause and effect. This is one of the 12 immutable laws of the universe and has been proven to be an absolute law by some of the greatest minds to have ever walked the earth.
Newtons third law states: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This is true in the seen or physical world and the unseen or spiritual world.
The unseen which consist of thoughts sent out, in its purest form energy is manifest, must manifest by law into its physical equal.
This law is always working so whether you are sending out positive thoughts or negative ones, This energy begins at once to form itself into it’s physical equivalent.
I refer to it as the “Circle of Cause and Effect”. Your life is being perceived in your mind, at the same time it is manifest in physical form and this is happening in a loop or circle.
It is a circle that cannot be broken, an absolute law. This is how your reality is built. Cause and effect is so closely linked that you may have a hard time knowing where one starts and the other ends.
So often things may happen that we feel in unjust or that someone has committed so terrible act that we feel they have gotten away with. Understanding this law is key because no one can separate the action from the effect.
It matters not whether the act is of a positive or a negative nature. The effects will follow the causes just as night follows day.